Training Visa (Subclass 407)

Looking to enhance your skills for academic or professional growth?

Seeking a hands-on method to unlock your full potential in your existing job?

Australia is inviting you!

Apply for the Training Visa (Subclass 407) and seize the chance to become proficient and prepared for the workplace!

Enquire Now

Benefits of the Training Visa

A training visa permits temporary entry to Australia for occupational training or professional development.

Under the 407 visa, you can engage in the following types of occupational training:

1. Workplace-based Training for Registration or Licensing: This training is for individuals who need to obtain registration, membership, or licensing to practice an occupation either in their home country or in Australia.

2. Structured Workplace-based Training for Skill Enhancement: This training is for individuals nominated by an approved temporary activities sponsor in Australia for an occupation listed in the eligible skilled occupations list who require structured workplace-based training to enhance their skills for that occupation.

3. Training to Enhance Skills or Competency: This type of training is categorized into three groups:

  • Overseas Qualification: This category is for students enrolled in a foreign educational institution who need to complete practical training, research, or observation to obtain their degree or qualification. Applying for a training visa under this category provides an opportunity for practical experience.
  • Government Support: This category is for individuals who have the support of a government agency from their home country or Australia to undertake structured workplace-based occupational training.
  • Professional Development: This category is for overseas employers who want their employees to undergo a tailored professional development program for the organization’s growth.

Note: On 19th April 2017, the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) was replaced by the Short Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL). Currently, there is no separate list for STSOL, but a combined list of eligible skilled occupations. This list is scheduled to be revised on July 1st, 2017 and will be updated every six months.

Ask the expert for 407 Training Visa Australia procedures


Advantages of Training Visa 407

With the Training Visa 407, you can:

  • Apply for the visa from within Australia or from abroad
  • Reside in Australia for up to two years to complete your specified training program
  • Travel in and out of Australia multiple times while your visa is valid
  • Bring eligible family members to live with you in Australia


Eligibility Criteria for Visa Applicants, Sponsors & Nominators


For visa applicants to be eligible, they must:

  • Be at least 18 years old (unless exempt)
  • Have sponsorship from an approved entity for professional development or occupational training
  • Be nominated for a sanctioned occupation by an Australian organization, if not a Commonwealth agency
  • Receive an invitation to apply for the visa if sponsored by a Commonwealth agency
  • Undergo occupational training directly from the sponsor, unless exemptions apply
  • Submit an application by 18th May 2017 for existing sponsorships by approved training, research, and professional development sponsors
  • Participate only in occupational training that satisfies the criteria for one of the nomination eligibility types
  • Possess functional English proficiency for training and adherence to occupational health and safety standards
  • Have a genuine intention to stay in Australia temporarily
  • Fulfill health and character requirements
  • Have adequate financial support and arrangements for health insurance for yourself and accompanying family members for the duration of stay in Australia
  • Meet all other specified requirements for your training program


Those sponsoring someone on a 407 visa must:

  • Be a legally operating organization in Australia, a government agency, or a foreign government agency
  • Provide the occupational training directly unless an exemption is applicable
  • Have no adverse information about you or any associated person unless it is reasonable for the Immigration Department to disregard
  • Be capable of fulfilling all sponsorship obligations


To nominate someone on a 407 visa:

  • You must be an approved temporary activity sponsor, or
  • You must have submitted an application to become an approved temporary activity sponsor

The nomination will not be considered unless the sponsorship is approved.

If your application for becoming an approved sponsor for training, research, or professional development was accepted before 19 November 2016, you may nominate a candidate for the Training visa (subclass 407) up until 18 May 2017, or until your sponsorship remains valid.

Included Family Members in the Visa Application

Eligible family members for inclusion in your visa application are:

  • Spouse or de facto partner
  • Dependent children of you or your partner (up to 23 years old)

Documentation proving the family relationship is required, along with a written consent from your sponsor for including your family members.

Proof of Financial Capability

Evidence of financial means to support yourself and any accompanying family members throughout your stay in Australia is required.

Health and Character Criteria

All applying family members must:

  • Complete medical checks within 12 months before applying for the visa
  • Secure police certificates from every country lived in for 12 months or more over the last decade


Medical Insurance Coverage

You and any dependents must have health coverage through Australia’s Medicare program, unless your home country has a reciprocal health care agreement with Australia.

Your health insurance provider can be based either in Australia or your home country.

Find and purchase the optimal OVHC policy for the 407 Visa at


Australian Government Debts

You must not have any unpaid debts to the Australian Government before your visa can be granted.

For more details on the 407 visa or to check if you qualify for visa approval, feel free to contact us for a comprehensive evaluation by our team of licensed migration agents.